Spring/Summer 2022
We are blessed with the weather at the moment and a lot of our classes are taking advantage of that. We are so lucky to have the Castle lake and forest near our school where the children can go explore. Have a look at what they got up to in the gallery below.
Autumn 2021
Our Senior infants went out on an Autumn walk today and got to enjoy the beautiful weather.

Mr Donnellan's class went for a walk to the library today to visit an exhibition.

1st class made beautiful portraits out of clay. They had great fun attaching their clay portraits onto the beautiful trees in our school garden.

Summer 2021
Ms Smith's 1st class children enjoyed a sunshine walk around the town lake and this week they went on a big adventure to Castle Lake. They explored lots of different trails in the forest and finished with some rock climbing and a rest at 'Pat's View Bench'.

Town Lake

Ms Martin's class went to our local forest today for a nature walk.

Ms Fannin's Senior Infants have been learning about butterflies. They had their own little caterpillars in their classroom and they watched them grow and grow until eventually they changed into chrysalis'. They waited very patiently until one morning they transformed into beautiful butterflies. Together they released them into our school garden so they could continue the butterfly lifecycle.

Ms O Donnell's 2nd Class taking advantage of the beautiful weather and drawing their shadows for Science last week.

Mr Donnellan's 3rd class took a walk to The Castle Lake Woods today where they drew the bluebells and did some map reading.

Spring 2021
Mr Donnellan's 3rd class wasted no time getting out into the sunshine. Maths copies brought out to do some learning outdoors.

Mr O'Dowd's 3rd class enjoyed a nature walk to our local lake in the beautiful sunshine.

Autumn 2020
Last week Ms Smith's 1st class were busy collecting natural materials in our school garden to construct waterproof huts for animals.

Our Senior Infants are enjoying being back at school this year. They were making our playground a little brighter today by using chalk to create drawings on the ground. They had lots of fun in the sun. Have a look at our photo gallery to see what they got up too.