St. Anne’s National School Bailieborough

Junior Infants

Junior Infants

Junior Infants

30th August 2023

A big hello and welcome to our new Junior Infants

We are so excited to meet you all, and cannot wait for all the fun and learning we will experience together.

Wednesday 30th- Come into classroom at 9.15am. Leave at 12.00pm from the gate.

Thursday and Friday- Teachers will collect pupils from gate at 9.15am. Pupils go home at 12.00pm from gate.

Monday 4th September to Friday 8th: Pupils line up on yard at 9am with rest of school and go home at 12.00pm.

Monday 11th September: Normal school day. 9.00am - 1.40pm

The hot lunches will start from Mon 11th September for Junior Infants. They should bring a snack and drink everyday with them.

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We have set up this area on the school’s website specifically for the Junior Infants. We are very aware that the transition into Primary School is a big step for you and your children, and we want to assure you all that we will do everything we can to make it as seamless, enjoyable, and safe as possible. The Department of Education has published a road map outlining the steps ahead in planning for the re-opening of schools. With this in mind, we’ve compiled some useful websites which will help support your child with the transition into Junior Infants. We’ve also added in some content which may be of interest to you as a parent. We hope you find them helpful.

  • 70,000 transitions packs are being made available to parents to support children starting school. Each pack includes the Mo Scéal template developed by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), available at and a postcard for children transitioning from ELC settings to share with their primary school teacher.

Some tips for the First day:

On the morning of the first day, we recommend getting up nice and early so there is no rushing around. Take lots of time to get dressed and have a nice breakfast. Remember to take lots of photographs!! Try and make it a nice, happy and relaxed morning for your child.

Some tips for September:

To consolidate the work we will be doing in school, we’d encourage you to try do some of the following activities with your child.

  • Talk and Discussion: Encourage your child to ask lots of questions and TALK! TALK! TALK!
  • Sing and say lots of nursery rhymes and counting songs
  • Share lots of stories (bed-time stories, picture books, audio books)
  • Give your child plenty of opportunities to colour in and draw
  • Social skills: Encourage listening, taking turns, sharing, playing with others and even experiencing losing a game
  • Encourage your child to dress him/herself and to be as independent as possible: managing his/her coat, jumper, sleeves, buttons, zips, lunchbox and beaker
  • Encourage your child to be as active as possible

As advised in school documents and the re-opening information for parents, contact with the school and class teachers should be made via email. Our school email addresses are and , and we are available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

We are so looking forward to meeting you all, especially the boys and girls, and to having the most wonderful time in Junior Infants. It is always a very busy year, but an absolutely brilliant one! We can’t wait to get started!

Stay safe everyone and enjoy the next few special and precious days.

Ms. McMahon & Ms O' Reardon


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Chapel Rd, Tanderagee, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, A82 DR53, Ireland.
042 966 5242
© 2025 St. Anne’s National School Bailieborough