Science Week 2021
Mr O' Dowd's 4th Class
4th class planted bulbs for Science Week and hope that their hyacinths will bloom soon!

Ms De Burca's 5th Class
5th class were experimenting with acid and bases this week in science. Using citrus fruits (lemons, limes & oranges) for the acid and bicarbonate soda for the base. When the two formed together an explosion happened.
A fruitcano!!! Fruit never tasted so good.

Ms McGrath's 5th class
5th class students were busy experimenting and investigating today! They made fireworks in a jar using oil and food colouring. They made a lava lamp using an effervescent tablet. They investigated colours dissolving using skittles and finally they made some raisins dance, well the most of them!

Mr Donnellan's class.
We were very busy this week collecting and learning aboout insects and bugs in our school garden.

Ms Fannin's Senior Infants, Ms Conlan's mixed junior/senior infants and Ms O Donnel's 2nd class have also been busy this week with different experiments. Have a look at our gallery below to see what they got up too.