*Hallowe'en in St Anne's Friday 23rd October*
Have a look in our photo gallery below to see some of the brilliant costumes we had in school today. Can you guess who everyone is?
*Hallowe'en Week in St Anne's*
We would like to say a big thank you to our local Supervalue and Tesco for jointly donating 30 pumpkins to our school. This week each class will get a chance to design their own pumpkin.
Our 6th class students have been very busy creating a fun outdoor Hallowe'en Pumpkin Patch for the whole school to enjoy.
Have a look and see what they got up too.

Pumpkin Patch
Ms Fannin's Senior Infants enjoying the pumpkin patch.

Ms Martin's class were out enjoying the Autumn sunshine this week and exploring our pumpkin patch.

Hallowe'en Artwork & Poetry
Some of our senior infants enjoying art class this week creating fun Halowe'en decorations.

Take a look at some of the beautiful artwork Ms O'Donnell's 2nd class have created.

Our 5th and 6th Class got very creative and made videos so we can all hear their Halloween inspired poems.Have a listen. We also have some beautifully illustrated poems for you to read.

Take a look at these lovely poems written by some very talents students in Mr O Dowd's mixed 3rd/4th Class